Certification Class

Class Description

Senjukai Hawaii Classes Advanced Adult photo of dance group in Kimonos for dance class

The Certification Class is offered to selected advanced dancers that has a potential to become a teacher and have expressed a desire to increase the intensity of their training. The students must have a strong commitment in the perpetuation of the culture which is one of the mission of the academy.

Students should have a strong understanding and skills of the fundamentals and will be able to perform the steps naturally. New choreographies with complex steps, formations and music are introduced.

The certified students will be a role model for academy and must have good working ethics, attitude and cooperation. All levels require flexibility, discipline, respect and good training attitude.

The certification training is held both in Hawaii and at the Okinawa main Dojo or training center. The training will start 1 year prior to the testing and held 1 to 3 times per week for approx. 1 hour and increased to 3-7 days a week before the competition.

One must have teachers’ approval to enroll in this class.

There are three levels to Certification. Learn more about them here.

Class Info

Friday nights
7:00PM to 8:30PM HST
Cost: $50/monthly
Online Registration coming soon.

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